Thom’s Spiritual Journey

The Study of Metaphysical Practices

Thom’s exploration of metaphysical technologies and spiritual practices tells the story of to his lifelong dedication to understanding the deeper dimensions of human existence.

Metaphysical Explorations

Thom’s exploration of metaphysical technologies and spiritual practices tells the story of to his lifelong dedication to understanding the deeper dimensions of human existence. Since the early 1980s, Thom has delved into various forms of meditation and spiritual disciplines, drawing from many cultural and spiritual traditions.

Thom’s journey began with Zen meditation in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, a practice emphasizing mindfulness and presence. His immersion in Zen laid a foundational understanding of stillness and awareness that would inform his later practices. Thom’s commitment to spiritual growth led him to organize and participate in Vision Quests, a Native American initiation and meditation form that connects individuals deeply with nature and their inner selves.

His exploration continued with Tibetan forms of meditation, including both Mindfulness and Tantric practices. These practices, known for their depth and transformative potential, further expanded Thom’s understanding of the mind’s capabilities. His yearlong Rebirthing training with Jim Worsley, who had traveled with Leonard Orr to India, introduced Thom to the powerful yogic pranayama process, which emphasizes breathwork as a path to transformation.

Thom’s spiritual journey also includes an initiation into the Hindu practice of Transcendental Meditation, adding another layer to his diverse meditative experiences. This practice, known for its simplicity and effectiveness, helped Thom cultivate a state of restful alertness and deeper consciousness.

A significant chapter in Thom’s spiritual education involved a six-and-a-half-year series of Egyptian teachings, culminating in “The Journey of the Soul” courses. These teachings, passed down by lineage holders of a five-thousand-year-old tradition, offered Thom profound insights into the soul’s journey and the mysteries of existence.

Thom’s dedication to physical and spiritual well-being is further evidenced by his on-going practice of Kundalini Yoga, a discipline aimed at awakening the kundalini energy at the base of the spine. His familiarity with Yang style Tai Chi and Chi Gong, learned from Cloud Anderson, complements his meditative practices with physical movement and energy work. Cloud Anderson, a student of the renowned Chen-Man-Ch’ing and Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, played a pivotal role in Thom’s early spiritual development, introducing him to Yang Style Tai Chi and Zen Meditation.

Thom’s apprenticeship with Cloud Anderson also marked the beginning of his journey into Native American spiritual practices. Participating in his first Sweat Lodge in 1983 and Vision Quest in 1984, Thom deepened his connection to Native American traditions. He later led his first Sweat Lodge in 1988 and continued to participate in ceremonies with Shawnee Sky Bull and Charley “Red Hawk” Thom, a Karouk Chief.

Throughout the 1990s, Thom’s spiritual path brought him into contact with other influential Native American figures, such as Gilbert Walking Bull, a descendant of Chief Sitting Bull, and Wallace Black Elk, a revered Lakota Sioux Shaman. His participation in Sweat Lodges with these esteemed teachers further enriched his understanding of Native American spirituality.

Thom’s journey also included the teachings of Hyemeyohsts “White Wolf” Storm, a member of the Crow Tribe and celebrated author. Thom’s involvement in the “Earth Teachings” programs in West Virginia and Montana, as well as his work with Joseph Rael, a Tewa Medicine Man and originator of the Sound Peace Chambers, highlights his commitment to preserving and practicing indigenous spiritual traditions.

In the 2000s, Thom met with Chief Richard, a practitioner in the lineage of John “Rolling Thunder” Pope, where he participated in Yuwippi and Lowampi ceremonies. Studies continued with Tom Brown, a renowned Naturalist, Tracker, and Shaman. Completing various Vision Quest programs and Protector Training courses, Thom has organized and protected numerous Vision Quests, demonstrating his dedication to guiding others on their spiritual paths.

Living in a tipi across Oregon, Washington State, and Virginia during the 1980s and early 1990s, Thom embraced a lifestyle deeply connected to nature. His work as a Wildland Initial Attack Fire Fighter and Professional Ski Patroller, along with his experience as a nursing home aide, showcases his varied life experiences and dedication to service.

Today, Thom continues to lead Sweat Lodges and Vision Quests, honoring the teachings of his many mentors. Carrying a Pipe received through the Hopi lineage of Grandfather David Monongye, Thom upholds the traditions passed down to him. His journey is marked by countless ceremonies and a deep humility in honoring the gifts and wisdom he has received from his teachers.

Thom’s life is encompasses a wide assortment of spiritual practices and teachings, reflecting an inner drive for personal growth and the transmission of ancient wisdom. His story inspires those seeking to explore the metaphysical dimensions of life and the transformative power of spiritual practices.

Informal book list: 

  1. Harry K Roberts; Walking in Beauty, Growing up with the Yurok Indians.
  2. Bobby Lake-Thom; Spirits of the Earth, Call of Great Spirit, Native Healer.
  3. Gilbert Walking Bull; Rocks Not Happy in Sacks, Mi Ta-ku-Ye (about my people), E-Ha-Ni Wo-E (In this powerful way they expressed themselves).
  4. Wallace Black Elk; The Sacred Ways of a Lakota.
  5. Nichoas Black Elk; Black Elk Speaks
  6. Joseph Eppes Brown: The Sacred Pipe. Told by Black Elk
  7. Hyemeyohsts Storm; Seven Arrows, Song of Heyoehkah, Lightning bolt.
  8. Beautiful Painted Arrow; Stories and teachings from the native American tradition, Being & vibration: Entering the New World, Plus more.
  9. Doug Boyd; Rolling Thunder.
  10. Mary Elizabeth Thunder: Thunders Grace.
  11. Tom Brown: The Tracker, The Way of the Scout, Grandfather, Awakening Spirits, The Search, The Vision, The Quest, The Journey, A Guide to Healing the Earth, plus many other books and survival guides.
  12. Shunryu Suzuki Roshi: Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Branching streams flow in the darkness, Not Always so, Zen is right here.
  13. Chen-man-Ch’ing: T’ai Chi, The Supreme Ultimate Exercise for Health, Sport and Self -defense.